EX600XLS Portable Two-Way Radio


Power and versatility are yours with the Motorola EX600XLS portable two-way radio. At just 9.5 ounces, this full-keypad portable radio is compact and lightweight. This radio’s many outstanding features include: six programmable buttons, a full range of signaling options and dual mode operation capability, which switches between LTR and Conventional modes. User-friendly icons on the 14-character alphanumeric display provide clear, understandable information at a glance. Due to the FCC Narrowbanding mandate in the United States, product specifications and brochures for Motorola Solutions two-way radio products may indicate 25 kHz/12.5 kHz analog/digital operation which may not be the standard mode of operation at the time of shipment after Jan. 1st 2013.

Expansive Coverage Area
Connects to 160 conventional channels and 15 trunked zones with 16 talk-groups each.

Quik Call and MDC 1200 Signaling
Sends and receives through features such as Push-to-Talk, Selective Call and Call Alert.

Alphanumeric, 14-Character Display
Uses icons and text to provide clear indication.

Comfortable Ergonomic Design
Light weight makes radios easy to hold and carry.

Audio Enhancement
Reduces background noise and improves sound quality.

Scanning Capabilities
Secures your ability to receive every transmission.

Versatile Accessories
Allows users to customize radios as business evolves.

Voice-Operated Transmission
Enables hands-free operation with optional headset.

Programmable Emergency Button
Sounds alarm or alerts dispatcher in urgent situations.

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Motorola Solutions

